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Due Diligence Checklist
1. Corporate Structure and Corporate History
- Articles of incorporation
- Corporate by-laws and operating agreements
- Minutes of Board of Directors and Shareholder meetings
- Past and Current Shareholders Agreements
- All other documents provided to directors and shareholders
- Board of Directors
- Members (Experience and Skills)
- Business Advisory Board
- Members (Experience and Skills)
- Officers of the Company
- Legal Counsel
- Auditor
2. Financial Information
- Annual financial information since inception
- Audited income statements, balance sheets, cash flows, and footnotes
- Extraordinary income or expense details
- Explanation of any material write-down or write-offs
- Summary of bad debt experience
- Current Financials
- Financial statement and trial balance current to previous month end
- Accounts receivable and accounts payable aging schedule
- Current backlog by customer
- Details of any outstanding contingent liabilities
- Bank statements for prior six months
- Financial Projections
- Up to date business plan
- Financial plan for the next three fiscal years
- Revenue by product type, customers, and channel
- Income statements, balance sheets, cash flow by month
- Major growth drivers and prospects
- Predictability of business
- Explanation of seasonality of business
- Industry and company pricing policies
- Economic assumptions underlying projections (different scenarios based on price and market fluctuations)
- Explanation of projected capital expenditures, depreciation, and working capital arrangements
- Expectation of and need for external funding
- Amount of and sources for external funding being sought, including other potential investors being courted
- Expectation of grants and other non-dilutive (e.g. government) funding during next three years
- Capital Structure
- Current shares outstanding, including nature of different classes of shares
- List of all stockholders with shareholdings, options, warrants, or notes
- For non-arms length investors: relationship to founders or principals, any experience relevant to company, any expectation for advice or contributing role
- For arms-length investors: business experience, prior investment experience, any expectations for advice or contributing role
- Schedule of all options, warrants, covenants, rights, and any other potentially dilutive securities with exercise prices and vesting provisions
- Summary of all debt instruments/bank lines with key terms and conditions
- Off balance sheet liabilities
- Other financial information
- Schedule of financing history for equity, warrants, and debt (date, investors, dollar investment, percentage ownership, implied valuation and current basis for each round)
- Summary of current federal, provincial and foreign tax positions, including net operating loss carry-forwards
- Discuss general accounting policies (revenue recognition, etc.)
3. Products
- Description of each product
- Major customers and applications
- Historical and projected growth rates
- Market share
- Speed and nature of technological change
- Timing of new products, product enhancements
- Cost structure and profitability
- Cost and other liabilities for any warranties or need for customer support
4. Competition
- Description of the competitive landscape within each market segment including:
- Market position and related strengths and weaknesses as perceived in the market place
- Basis of competition (e.g. price, service, technology, distribution)
- Defences against competition within each market segment or product
- Primary market research conducted by Company
- Secondary market research
- Survey of each market segment
- Economic and regulatory trends affecting each market segment
5. Marketing, Sales and Distribution
- Strategy and implementation
- Discussion of North American and international distribution channels
- Positioning of the Company and its products
- Marketing opportunities/marketing risks
- Description of marketing programs and examples, if any, of recent marketing/product/public relations/media information on the Company
- Major Customers and Partners
- Status and trends of relationships
- Prospects for future growth and development
- Pipeline analysis
- Principal avenues for generating new business
- Sales force model
- Ability to implement marketing plan with current and projected budgets
6. Research and Development
- Description of R&D organization
- Strategy
- Key personnel
- Major activities
- New Product Pipeline
- Status and timing
- Cost of development
- Critical technology necessary for implementation
- Risks
7. Management and Personnel
- Organization chart
- Historical and projected headcount by function and location
- Summary biographies of senior management, including employment history, age, service with the Company, years in current position
- Compensation arrangements
- Copies (or summaries) of key employment agreements
- Benefit plan
- Discussion of incentive stock plans
- Copies of non-disclosure agreements and non-competition agreements if not already part of employment agreement
- Significant employee relations problems, past or present
8. Legal and Related Matters
- Pending lawsuits against the Company (detail on claimant, claimed damages, brief history, status, anticipated outcome, and name of the Company’s counsel)
- Pending lawsuits initiated by the Company (detail on defendant, claimed damages, brief history, status, anticipated outcome, and name of Company’s counsel)
- List of material patents, copyrights, licenses, trade secrets, trademarks and domain names
- Status of application (issued and pending)
- Jurisdiction of application
- Copies of filed patents
- Assignments of patents by founders to Company or licensing agreements between founders and Company
- Summary of insurance coverage/any material exposures
- Summary of material contracts
- Long-term capital contracts
- Contracts with consultants, agents, distributors, partners, etc.