Why 10X Isn’t Enough

The Pitch:We see a lot of presentations in which entrepreneurs say that they expect to sell their companies for a 10 times multiple. They believe that’s music to our hours. But it’s not enough. The Reality:Of course, if I can get 10X my money back in 10 years, that gives my an Internal Rate of …

The Pitch

Preparing a compelling presentation to investors is the first step in attracting capital. No matter how much time how much time you are given, it’s never enough. At various angel investors meetings, you may be allocated a fixed time that can go anywhere from 1 minute to 10 minutes. Any that go longer are in …

Taxes on Redeemed Shares

When shares are redeemed, the gain may consist of two components: a capital gain and a deemed dividend. The deemed dividend per share is calculated as the difference between the Redemption Price per share and the Paid Up Capital (PUC) per share. This deemed dividend may be tax-free when WUTIF transfers some of its Capital …


Many pitch decks these days include a slide labelled TAM-SAM-SOM to point out the market potential of a company’s products or services. Frankly, for me this is a big turn-off. I regard it as SPAM – totally useless and irrelevant. If the product is a medical device, what’s the point of saying that the global …

Presentations – AGM2023

Here are links to the Companies that presented at the September 27, 2023 Annual Meeting:(Some of the links may only be valid for a month or two.) In-Person Presentations: Avivo Biomedical Inc (Powerpoint) Aidant Intelligent Technology Inc (Powerpoint) ARC Medical Devices Inc (Powerpoint) Bionic Power Inc (Powerpoint) Careteam Technologies Inc (Powerpoint) Headcheck Health Inc (Powerpoint) …

Buying WUTIF Shares in an RRSP or TFSA

Disclaimer: The following content, while believed to be accurate, should not be relied upon without the advice of a financial professional. RRSPs (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) and TFSAs (Tax-Free Savings Account) are legal tax shelters that have been created by the Canadian Government to help people save for their retirement. All kinds of investments can …

WUTIF News & Updates

For CONFIDENTIAL Updates to investors go to the Confidential Page for Investors. October 23, 2024, Interpodia Technology corp is acquired by a U.S. based software company. October 1, 2024, WUTIF holds Annual General Meeting via Zoom call. 43.9% of outstanding shares were voted in favour of all resolutions. Sep 23, 2024, WUTIF releases Annual Report …

Adding Value Through Due Diligence

WUTIF Capital receives many requests for funding.  We have to be efficient at evaluating companies to determine if the investment opportunity meets our criteria for investment. Our purpose is to accelerate the success of technology entrepreneurs through our funding and stewardship of the companies.  We believe that we provide a benefit to every start-up business …

The Board of Directors

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately!” (Benjamin Franklin) The Team There are many sayings like the one quoted above to remind managers and entrepreneurs that it takes a team to build a successful venture. A company’s board of directors is the ultimate team that accepts the overall responsibility for …

Why so many Share Classes?

Corporate life used to be simple in that a company would have one class of shares: Common Shares. Every shareholder had the same entitlements regarding voting, and participating in dividends and exits. However, as the investment landscape changed with the increased participation of various types of investors, so have corporate structures evolved. Share Types There …